Business plans
20 trees funded funded/month
18 tonnes CO2 avoided/year (~3x footprint*)
Essential employees
10 trees funded funded/month
9 tonnes CO2 avoided/year (~2x footprint*)
5 trees funded funded/month
4.5 tonnes CO2 avoided/year (~0.5x footprint*)
Climate friendly
Total employees
0 trees funded
Every month
0 tonnes CO2
avoided every year (~0x footprint*)
Monthly total: £0.00
By subscribing you agree to receive Carbon Done Right email updates about your impact, important related news, and other ways to help make a difference. You can unsubscribe from your account settings at any time.
Can I change or cancel my plan?
|Yes, you can change your plan at any time. If you’d like to cancel your subscription or switch to a new plan, you can do easily when editing your profile or messaging us directly.
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Embed our platform into your business, in many ways
- Plant trees with a smallholder for every product sold or user signed-up, gamify the experience for your customers. Connect them to the smallholder farmer and see their impact.
- Offset your purchase at checkout
- All done with CDR certified credits that support smallholders
- CDR badges are a consumer carbon quality seal. Green ticks for evidencing their carbon neutrality on social media.
- Brands can make their product carbon neutral, placing the CDR badge on their labels.
Check about API Integration
From Small Farmers to Consumers